Having spent many an hour in the make-up chair do you feel actresses have a special relationship with their make-up artists?

From the sneak peeks we have caught of your up and coming movie TRON we catch you looking AMAZING is this super human futuristic getup with this fantastic white blond hair and heavy dark eyes, can you describe a little bit of the process for our readers? and how playing this super human techno beauty made you feel?
On to the Tron make-up. Talk about patience....The whole get up took about 5 hours. Hair, make-up and suit. A lot of tedious layering and eye liner and white concealer and double lashes and black eyebrows and a blond bleached wig and tears and bobby pins and more white concealer and white spray and white powder and loads of mascara and sparkly dust and tears and patience and so so much more. When leaving the trailer for the somewhat final time before shooting I felt like the sexiest, oddest, creepiest and yet the most strangely beautiful alien in a world of normal boring humans. The look took me over.
Your beautiful face has graced REVLON billboards all over the world, what did you learn from them and finally what do you do to feel beautiful on the inside? because its not just your shimmer that makes you glow so beautifully ;)
I spent three years as the face of Revlon and one thing I did learn from that company is the importance of inner strength. A lot of
the money Revlon cashes in every year goes to finding a cure for breast cancer and spreading awareness for early detection. I met
countless sisters and daughters and mothers and aunts and wives that have struggled with this disease once and sometimes twice. The pride that these women carry. The strength. The resilience. The beauty. I learned a lot of things about what beauty is in the time I spent supporting that company. Sometimes the things that make us feel the sexiest aren't always in our make-up bag. I guess that brings me to what makes me feel good on the inside....good food, hiking, running on the beach with no one around, travel, kindness, quiet, laughter, my dog. All of those things make me sparkle, oh, and my Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer. That too. Love you Charlotte.

NIC:First of all, I love how you worded this question! Dani really enjoyed being a girl and all that being a girl entails. The one thing that really made me feel like Dani was making sure that she had her french mani/pedi every week - even though the camera never saw it, all that I had to do was look at my pretty nails and there she was. Jennifer McDaniel, my make-up artist, was amazing (as you know, after all we were both her girls!). We always had so much fun coming up with what make-up Dani would wear with her gorgeous clothes. We went outside of the box every now and then, but basically we wanted Dani to be classic. She was raised in a glamorous world and she was intent on being taken seriously. So, we thought crisp, clean makeup and color palate for daytime and did a lot of smoky eyes for the night.
EYE:Shooting 4 seasons over a four year period did you find yourself confiding in your make-up artist like a close friend over coffee and lipstick?
NIC:Oh, how I love Jennifer! We had so much fun and we absolutely confided in each other. As an actress, there seems to be an instant bond with a person who can make you look like your best self - or look the way you want to feel. I also really felt that Dani kinda belonged to all of us who made her look come together, because her makeup, hair (TerriAnn Corvino) and clothes (Daniela Gschwendtner) were so much a part of who she was, it really fosters a closeness between all the people who make her happen. I think you begin to get each other on a different level.
EYE:What valuable beauty lesson could you pass on to our beauty beauts that you've picked up along the way after many hours of sitting in the chair? Shading & highlighting. Accentuate the things you want to accentuate. Jen taught me how to shade my cheekbones to really make them a standout. I'm also kinda obsessed with my eyebrows, so she gave me some tips on highlighting and maintenance on those.
EYE:In addition to being one of my favorite actresses you have recently set up and run a fantastic, successful organic food company that delivers freshly prepared baby and toddler food for customers in the la area, can you explain a little about your passion for health "starts the beginning" philosophy that then fueled the idea for 'Baby's Belly' ?
NIC:Why thank you, Miss Charlotte. When I had my son, Quinn, I knew that I wanted to make his first foods. I started researching baby food and I was shocked to find that the jars that you find on supermarket shelves, like Gerber or Earth's Best are a highly processed food. They have been cooked at a really high temperature so that they can sit on store shelves for up to 2 years, they have about 1/2 the nutrients as food that is just steamed and pureed and many have fillers in them like corn starch. Which is why those jars are the color they are and taste like they do. As an adult, I would never want to taste those jarred foods - and yet we give them to our children as their very first taste! Healthy eating habits do start at the beginning, they are established by the time a child is 3. I started Baby's Belly, because I realized that there was not an option for parents out there who did not have the time to make food for their babies, even if they wanted to... So, a business was born to be that middle ground for those parents & babies.
EYE:What was your biggest beauty blunder?
NIC:I once went to get a cheapie eyebrow wax and NEVER made that mistake again. The woman took off half of my eyebrows and it took about 6 months to get them back. (For some people, eyebrows will never grow back once they get taken off.) I learned that I had to go to someone who knew what they were doing and that means asking around and possibly having to pay a bit more money, that way I don't have to pay in eyebrow embarrassment!
EYE:What are your top three beauty must haves?
NIC:Mascara - I use Loreal 2. Tweezerman tweezers 3. For special occasions, a great foundation - I use Armani - another thing Jen turned me onto.
Follow nicole on twitter and check out baby's belly !!
Good read! One wonders if Nicole may branch out into other food products in the future. Glad I found your blog! :D