In the words of the big man in the sky, as he was laying the rules down for Adam and Eve; "for on the day you eat of it you shall surely die''... so i guess the apples from the tree of knowledge were slightly sour to say the least...but my fellow beauties, Eve was on to something as are 'Juice Beauty" when they (in longer than 7 days I'm guessing) created the 'Green Apple Peel' for sensitive skin which MUST have been plucked from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.....because let me let you- there is no going back once you have tried this organic refining hydroxy-acid-complex-of-organic-apple-lemon-grape-raw-cane-sugar!....its Heaven or rather Eden (pre-bite) but God was right ''you will surely die" with pure pleasure as the knowledge that your skin looks luminescent floods your brain, may i add.
Results aside for a moment my favorite thing about the apple peel, is that unlike other peels i have used, it very easy to remove, there is none of this snake like shedding business where you can grantee on leaving the house you will still have an attractive piece of "skin" attached to your chin, instead you wash it off in the shower or easily in the skin and voila...scale goes on as a sheer green gel and you can see your new found glow appearing with in minuets, i have found using it once or twice a week has kept my pores pretty clear....which as i am currently working and wearing makeup for long hours is pretty life saving!

They have a whole range of products free of any nastiest in the Green Apple line, such as a body peel and apple shower moose you can pamper yourself from head to toe and after that organic ritual move over Eve and lend me your fig leaf!!
So start sining and take a bite... uk store for green apple range or statesiders... usa store for green apple range
So start sining and take a bite... uk store for green apple range or statesiders... usa store for green apple range